Page 3 - Aug Sep Oct 2015
P. 3

VOL XIV NO. 3 • FALL 2015 aug sep oct • REDLANDS Circulation: 30,000 Households (97,500 People)
INLAND EMPIRE EAST Total Circulation in 17 Cities: 4 Magazines, 30,000 households each - 120,000 Total Households (390,000 People).
ZONES: 1 Redlands 2 Yucaipa / Beaumont / Banning 3 Colton / Loma Linda / Grand Terrace 4 San Bernardino / Highland
For advertising information, CALL 909-366-9932

The MosT valuable InForMaTIon Free To all |


DeParTMenTs ParaDIGM shIFT

4 Editor’s Note 8 Contest
We're Big Enough You don't know Frack!

5 Take A Stand 22 Calendar
What's the biggest Fifty+ great ideas, events
environmental threat and community resources
California faces today
and why? 33 Who Am I?
Guess this cool stuff to win
6 Letters a person, place or thing...
Brilliant compliments or the other way around
from our readers
7 Verbatim
The issue in these words,
not those
7 Ideas
The Environmental Impact of
Local Reader Advertisers
9 Cover Story
Evoking the Wrath of Nature

38 Final Word
A Pale Blue Dot
The FronT Cover
FeaTures It’s time for clarity and action on the
defining issue of our time
12 Pope Francis' Laudato Si 19 Faces of Fracking: Cover Design: napin Mandhachitara
Don Martin Courtesy of
13 It's the Fracking Economy,
Stupid 27 Cover Up: The Fracking /
Earthquake Link
14 Personalities of Our Time Editor in Chief Christopher Theodore
Stick It to Carbon, Not the Man 34 Timeline Operations Director Hajnalka Hogue, Ph.D.
Environmental History Layout & Graphic Designer Fara Asay
Graphic Designer William Medrano
Guest Writers Chris Hedges, Kevin Cotter, Pope
Francis, Carl Sagan,,
Anastasia Pantsios, Gernot Wagner, Tara Lohan
Photography Boo Rivera, Sarah Craig
WANT TO SHARE YOUR VIEW? GO TO Noble Media Corporation
Publisher of The Reader Magazine
WWW.READERMAGAZINE.NET 5 E. Citrus Ave., Suite 103
Redlands, California 92373 USA
We're proud to be a B Corp! Tel (909) 366-9932 Fax (909) 335-6777
FALL 2015 [aug sept oct] Check out our profile Printed in U.S.A.
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