Page 7 - Aug Sep Oct 2015
P. 7
verbatim ideas

Don T MInD us We re JusT

“Climate change is poised to savInG The WorlD
become the most massive human
rights violation the world has
ever seen.”
–Kathleen Dean Moore

“The greatest threat to our planet
is the belief that someone else will
save it.”
–Robert Swan

“We reached the old wolf in time
to watch a fierce green fire dying in
her eyes. I realized then and have
known ever since that there was
something new to me in those
eyes, something known only to her To: You
and to the mountain. I was young FroM: busInesses In The reaDer
then and full of trigger-itch; I
thought that because fewer wolves DID You KnoW?
meant more deer, that no wolves
would mean hunters’ paradise. Our choice to advertise in the
journalistic, quarterly Reader
But after seeing the green fire die, instead of in weekly junk mail
I sensed that neither the wolf nor saves:
the mountain agreed with such
a view.”
–Aldo Leopold
480,000 gallons
“We are dumping carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere at a rate the
earth hasn't seen since the great
climate catastrophes of the past. ENERGY
The ones that led to mass extinc- 768 million BTU
tions... Why can't we summon
the ingenuity and courage of the
generations that came before us?
The dinosaurs never saw that aster- TREES
oid coming. What's our excuse?” 240 tons
–Neil DeGrasse Tyson

“Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us
that our common home is like a GREENHOUSE GASES
sister with whom we share our life 96 tons
and a beautiful mother who opens
her arms to embrace us. 'Praise be PLUS 11 MORE POSITIVE IMPACTS
to you, my Lord, through our
Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains for each page of advertising
and governs us'.” in this magazine!
–Pope Francis Which adds up to responsible
advertising, responsible business,
“Unless there’s a sharp reversal in and a better world.
policy, unless we here in the so- For the complete list of reductions
called advanced societies can gain in pollutants and resource savings
the consciousness of the indige- we achieve see
nous people of the world, we’re in
deep trouble. Our grandchildren
are going to suffer from it.”
–Noam Chomsky The reader’s four quarterly issues
amount to only 12 ounces— .05%— of the
average u.s. family’s 1600lbs of paper
consumption, each ounce inspiring
americans to make sustainable choices.

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